Enterprise Engineering

An enterprise originates when man and machine are organised to pursue some common goal. In spite of this organisation around a common goal, enterprises often evolve in an ad-hoc way, resulting in incoherent/inconsistent design. Enterprise engineering (EE) is emerging as a new discipline to address the design of the enterprise in a coherent and holistic way. 

More research is required on:

1. Designing/adapting/evaluating approaches to deal with enterprise complexity within a dynamic environment and disruptive technologies.

2. Designing/using/evaluating different architecture description languages to demarcate and describe different enterprise design domains.

3. Defining/aligning/measuring enterprise concerns/requirements.

4. Eliciting/evaluating design principles to govern enterprise design.

And more...

Honours courses, Masters and PhD studies are offered within two departments:

Industrial Engineering (see www.ie.up.ac.za). Contact Hanli Helm ([email protected]. +27 12 420 5230) for more details on entry requirements).

Informatics (see informatics.up.ac.za). Contact Marie Muller ([email protected]. +27 12 420 3322) for more details on entry requirements).


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