South African Library Week competition

Posted on May 01, 2020

The theme for this year’s South African Library Week namely “Libraries: your partners for life” prompted the marketing committee of the Department of Library Services to pose the following question to our library clients: “Why do you view the library as a partner for life?”.

With great prizes up for grabs, we had loads of interesting responses! We partnered with Protea Boekwinkel in Hatfield who graciously offered three R100 vouchers and campus partner Artisan Coffee Bar & Restaurant offered ten R50 vouchers! The competition was announced on the 10 March on all our social media channels and digital plasma screens as well as the student learning system, Blackboard.

As things turned out all contact classes, graduation ceremonies, conferences, mass gatherings and events were cancelled from Monday 16 March 2020 by the University of Pretoria Executive and the libraries closed their doors on Thursday afternoon of 19 March 2020.

Despite the extraordinary circumstances the library received 195 competition entries – 92.8% from undergraduate students, 5.1% from postgraduate students and the rest from miscellaneous groups.  The entries were read and judged during lockdown and it was a heart-warming experience to read all the positive comments – especially during these trying times. Our libraries were lauded for the professional and helpful staff members, excellent physical facilities, and extensive resources. The entries made the judges smile, laugh, and even shed a tear. Quite a few ladies humorously pointed out the fact that the library is more reliant and trustworthy than a boyfriend. As one student put it so eloquently: “Because unlike my ex-boyfriend it won't leave me for some random chick named Monique!”

The winners were announced on Friday 3 April and their vouchers will be handed out as soon as the library’s doors are opened again.

The three R100 voucher winners were: Clara Leigh Kohrs, Tapiwa Mazibuko and Rahil Samlal.

- Author Elsabé Olivier

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