#ChooseUP 4 August 2018

Posted on September 01, 2018

The #ChooseUP Day which was held on Saturday the 4 August 2018 was the first event of its kind and replaced the previous traditional University of Pretoria (UP) Open Day. Only prospective students who had been provisionally accepted was invited to the UP campus together with their parents and guardians. The main purpose of #ChooseUP Day was to exhibit the University to all admitted prospective students and to provide them with the opportunity to learn more about their academic courses and faculties and to finalize their decision about studying at UP. Approximately 12 00 Grade 12 learners and their parents visited UP on the 4th August this year.

The Department of Library Services again volunteered to participate showcasing all that our libraries can offer. Jotello F Soga at the Onderstepoort campus, the Education Library at the Groenkloof campus and the Merensky 2 library on the Hatfield campus participated on this day.

#ChooseUP event @ Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort

Buses transported the veterinary students and their parents from the Hatfield Campus to the Onderstepoort Campus. Faculty representatives Prof Dietmar Holm, Ms Alet Wannenburg and Ms Karen Ras welcomed the guests after which they attended the Dean’s Information Session in the Arnold Theiler Building. Tours of the Onderstepoort residences and the campus were undertaken and the Skills Lab was considered one of the highlights.  All the departments and the library had interesting exhibitions where the prospective students could experience something of their future veterinary studies and have their questions answered by attentive personnel.

#ChooseUP at the Education Library 4 August 2018

Sonja Delport represented the Education Library at the Groenkloof campus. The prospective students

had the opportunity to take part in an “Amazing Race” organized by the Faculty of Education. The race gave students (and their excited parents) an opportunity to explore the Education Campus and to see the campus facilities and the library. Students had to answer a question about the library app and they were taken on a guided tour through the Education Library. An exhibition, ‘The Body’ (set up by Eldorene Lombard) showcased books and apparatus available in the library for the early childhood teachers in Life Orientation.

#ChooseUP in the Merensky 2 Library

In the Merensky 2 Library groups convened in the foyer between 09:00 and 12:15 and the prospective students and parents were escorted through the Merensky 2 Library and the MakerSpace. Elsabé Olivier welcomed everyone in the library foyer and the groups were accompanied through the library to the MakerSpace by Learning Centre staff members Gerda Ehlers, Louisa Buys, Adam Munonoka, Josiah Lebelo, Sello Kgwebane, Kenny Tshukudu and Kagiso Ledwaba. Mulalo Mushiasano and Sean Kruger inspired everyone in the MakerSpace.

Comments from the DLS Visitors’ book included:

“This is an extremely interesting and great library.  The facility is quite advanced compared to what I was expecting.”

“I love the library – can’t wait to spend my time here next year! Thanks to my very good tour guide:)”

“Very cool to see the 3-D printers! Great tour. All future students should attend.”

“The library is every book-lover’s dream! I am super keen to be here!”

“I really enjoyed the experience! The library is really well resourced and appears to be fully capable to equip learners.  Cannot wait to start using it!!”

It is evident from the raving reviews by the students that the library definitely contributed to them making the final decision to #ChooseUP as their higher education institution in 2019!



- Author Elsabé Olivier, Sonja Delport, Tertia Coetsee and Gerda Ehlers

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