Go Green Exhibition

Posted on May 01, 2018

The ENGAGE Programme (Engineering Augmented Degree Programme) offers Professional Orientation (JPO 110 and JPO 120) as a compulsory module to students registered in the first year.

Based on the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) exit level outcomes, all students registered for the Professional Orientation module must demonstrate, amongst others, critical awareness of the impact of engineering activity on the physical environment, demonstrate competence in ommunicating with engineering audiences and the community at large, and finally demonstrate competence to work effectively in a team and multidisciplinary environments.

In Professional Orientation students are required to run a limited practical project in their community to create an awareness of the necessity to re-use and recycle plastic, glass, e-waste, paper, organic household waste and polystyrene. Their selected project must be completed in a short time period (2 to 3 weeks) after which a presentation of the results and outcome of the project is done as part of the assessment in JPO 120.

Each year the projects surprise the lecturers and we display the best ones during January in the Merensky 2 Library to also make fellow students aware of what can be done when we go green!


- Author Ms Cora Bezuidenhout

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