AOSIS Book launch 2017

Posted on January 01, 2018

On 29 November 2017 AOSIS held an event at the Department of Library Services’ Merensky 2 Library with its book editors and authors, in celebration of the 20 books published in 2016 and 2017. Dr Pierre JT de Villiers, Managing Director of AOSIS, stated that it was an honour to host the first AOSIS Book Launch at the Merensky 2 Library, where the employees were so welcoming to AOSIS and helpful in organising the event.

The event was presented in two separate sessions. In the first AOSIS announced the newly published books of 2016 and 2017, and handed out awards to the authors and editors. Dr de Villiers explained the three performance benefits of publishing a book in Open Access: the books are downloaded seven times more often, cited 50% more often, and mentioned online ten times more often than traditional paid access books. These are the findings of Springer Nature white paper 7, November 2017: The OA effect: How does open access affect the usage of scholarly books? 

He further explained the quality control process of AOSIS with its two stages peer review conducted by an independent panel. AOSIS also announced the eight books of 2016 which are included in the Clarivate Analytics: Book Citation Index (BkCI) of Web of Science.

In the second session Prof J.S. Krüger presented his latest book, Die waarheidsweg Dhammapada: Vertaal uit Pāli, verklaar, verstaan, vertolk, in an insightful book symposium.

To view photos and video sessions of the event please visit the AOSIS Book launch 2017 event website.

- Author Lourika Els

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