Reminiscing the Year-end function

Posted on January 01, 2018

After hosting the DLS year-end function on Friday 24 November, we only have fond memories of all the preparations and fun.  Although it was hard work to get everything ready in time the Jotello F. Soga Library team strived to make the function an enjoyable and fun event for all.

It was the first time that the year-end function was hosted by the Jotello F Soga library at Onderstepoort. Our theme was “Fun under the OP sun”. People could dress up like the animal they love. We kept to a farm and animal theme, representing Onderstepoort’s Veterinary Faculty.

Right from the very first arrangements and brainstorming for ideas, the whole team was involved. From the most creative to those of us stapling the gift bags for the “Animal droppings” in the wrong direction, everyone did his/her part.

From the feedback we received, everyone enjoyed the decorative pumpkins on the tables, the food, the games, the music and most of all everyone’s participation in spirit and in the form of a unicorn, rhinoceros, goat, dog, chicken, porcupine, bird, cow, sheep – too many to mention.

Thank you to Leonard who managed the sound and Carike and Amelia who were responsible for taking memorable photos.

Thank you to Hilda for her inspiring words and Kosie Schoeman whom we always love listening to!

We would like to wish Groenkloof all the best for next year’s function. We know they’ll enjoy the planning and we are already looking forward to what they’ll come up with!

- Author Susan Marsh

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