Bookbinding Revival Workshop at the University of Cape Town

Posted on January 01, 2018

Annesley Rademeyer from the Department of Library Services’ Bindery attended the Bookbinding Revival Workshop at the University of Cape Town from 7 to 9 November 2017. The workshop was presented by Master Binder, George Wentzel and was attended by 21 delegates. Delegates were taught how to do hand stitching of books, how to make book covers, how to bind a complete book and other book repair skills. At the end of the three day course, all delegates had successfully completed work on four different types of books – made by themselves with their names and surnames printed on in gold. Each delegate received a certificate of attendance from the Manager of Information Services, National Library of South Africa, Ms. Najwa Hendrickse. All delegates enjoyed the experience and agreed that they would  be able to apply what they had learnt to their work environment.

Mr Wentzel requested Annesley to assist him as a group instructor and overseer, due to the unforeseen absence of two of his colleagues.

Workshops and conferences where bindery staff can be updated and exposed to the newest tools and methods in the industry are rare.  This workshop therefore addressed a great need by providing binders with a good opportunity to obtain useful information on new bindery trends, developments and processes. It was also an excellent event for networking and for discussing and sharing ideas and best practices with peers.

- Author Annesley Rademeyer

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