The Fourth University of Pretoria Virtual International Consumer Law Conference (UPICLC 2020) – Proportionality and consumer regulation: Time for a balanced approach?
The dynamics of the consumer market are such that it transcends borders and realms. The products and services traded in this market are evolving and changing on a daily basis. They are increasingly sophisticated and complex.
We are now engaging the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), which drives the search for a new regulatory landscape aligned with the challenges that this exciting epoch presents. If our aim is to protect consumers, especially vulnerable ones, we need to consciously consider, now more than ever, the type of approach we support. Is more intrusive and expansive regulation the answer? Should we completely rethink and innovate our approach to consumer protection and take it to new dimensions? Or do we need to consider a more balanced and proportional approach?
We invite you to join us in this exciting debate where we can freely share ideas in the interest of expanding knowledge and shaping policy in the area of consumer protection. At the 4th University of Pretoria International Consumer Protection Law Conference, we would like to explore the concept of a balanced approach between proportionality and consumer regulation and how it affects all the various aspects, policies, theories, areas and rights that is considered to be part of Consumer Protection. This would include for example general consumer protection, financial consumer protection and credit law, e-commerce and other related areas.
In the true fashion of a borderless community and the 4IR, UPICLC is going virtual! This will enable participants from all over the globe to participate and contribute to the discussions.
To participate at the UPICLC 2020 conference ALL attendees, presenters and speakers must please register and create a profile via the conference website - BEFORE 18 September 2020. All abstracts are to be submitted via the website by 31 July 2020. The links to do so are at the top right - Sign Up/ Register / Login.
The UPICLC web page will be updated regularly but you can also follow us on social media under #MercantileLawUP and