Workshop 2: Saide

4 December 2020

KnowHow Early Learning for teachers (in-service)


Presenter: Sheila Drew. Click here to read her biography

Saide pre-conference workshop


KnowHow Early Learning for teachers (in-service)


We anticipate that this workshop will integrate issues from two of the four sub-themes of the conference, namely:

  • Pedagogical considerations in Distance Education (DE).
  • Technologies of DE.


KnowHow Early Learning is a tablet-based application. The purpose of the application is to

encourage and facilitate peer-to-peer learning and collaboration of pre-primary and primary teachers to improve their knowledge and skills in early learning methods. The app content is mainly generic, but it has the facility to automate selective customisation for different Southern African Countries. This customisation can be for specific terms or familiar examples of classroom activities.


KnowHow Early Learning is not about curriculum content or curriculum coverage. The primary goal is to improve teaching methodologies that can be applied to the curriculum. This is different from most other early childhood courses offered in Southern African countries, which tend to focus on the curriculum content for early childhood and coverage of that curriculum.


KnowHow Early Learning is activity-based and consists of educational videos representative of different contexts in some Southern African countries. This approach ensures the KnowHow Early Learning app is both familiar and universal, encouraging teachers to explore beyond their own experience.


Requirements for participants

  • Tablet
  • KnowHow Early Learning Facilitator Guide (supplied in pdf format)


Workshop outline

In this workshop, participants will download the KnowHow Early Learning app and engage with a series of selected activities.


This will provoke facilitated discussions around:

  • the use of tablets and multimedia (including print) for in-service teacher education in remote contexts
  • a collaborative, activity-based approach to in-service teacher education
  • the role of facilitators / coaches in collaborative in-service teacher education in remote areas


Click here to see the other workshops