Centre of New Energy Systems (CNES)

  • About CNES

The Centre for New Energy Systems (CNES) is a research centre within the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering in the University of Pretoria. It has gained a reputation as a premier research institute in the area of energy management both nationally and internationally. It is the only centre of excellence in energy optimization and standardization. The Centre is being renamed as Centre of New Energy Systems to stress its research expertise in energy systems and to continue keeping its leading position in the field of energy optimization, management and standardization With the hard work of the present researchers of CNES, the Centre has undergone a main change on its research techniques and themes. CNES has put more of its attention in both theoretical and practical research so that both academic results and industrial applications are developed.

  • Mission

The mission of the Centre of New Energy Systems is to be a world-class centre of excellence that addresses the research, education, development, and industrial applications of energy optimization and management. The thematic focus on energy management includes both the management of supply side and demand side. The cost-effective supply and end-use of energy are promoted through cooperated research within the energy group and control group of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering in the University of Pretoria. The research of the Centre forms an interface of energy systems, econometrics, control theory, and financial mathematics.

  • Vision

The Centre of New Energy Systems collaborates with the research centres on energy management in and outside of the country; prepares courses and seminars to improve opportunities for students, researchers and engineers; organizes national and international meetings, workshops and conferences on topics related to energy optimization and management; promotes theoretical research and technology transfer; and thus transforms itself into a world-class centre of excellence.

  • Research

The priority of the Centre is towards research of international outlook and impact. The current research themes of CNES are
(i) Control system approach to energy management;
(ii) Pricing issues of electricity;
(iii) Demand side management;
(iv) Unit commitment and deregulated electricity market;
(v) Renewable energy.
The above research topics involve the subjects of energy systems, control theory, econometrics, optimization, computer science and financial mathematics.

You can also download a research brochure.

  • Education

The Centre offers a broad range of educational and research programmes involving undergraduates, postgraduates (both master and Ph.D. students), faculty, visitors, and engineers from industry. The following courses are provided by the Centre.
(i) Energy policy and electricity market operation;
(ii) Energy management;
(iii) Energy optimisation tools;
(iv) Advanced research topics.

  • Personnel and Students

CNES and the Energy System Research Group are led by Prof. X. Xia. Professor Xia is world renowned scholar in control and energy systems. He is an IEEE fellow, a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa and a fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering. He is an NRF A rated scientifist – the first and only one in the Faculty.

Our principle is to allow our students the complete financial freedom in their persuit of academic excellence. All of our postgraduate students are generously supported by CNES through non-obligatory bursaries, fellowships and assistantships.

Any student who wants to pursue a master or Ph.D. degree on the field of energy and control systems is welcomed to send his/her enquiry to us.

Professor Xiaohua Xia
Director, CNES
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Phone: +27 12 420 2165
Fax: +27 12 362 5000
E-mail: [email protected] 

University of Pretoria

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