#TuksArchery: Tuks archers started taking aim at targets again

Posted on August 27, 2020

Tuks's archers are at long last back doing what they like most which are staying calm and shooting straight. 
Although it sounds as if it might still be a while before they can take hitting a bullseye for granted. The Covid-19 pandemic led to a change of priorities for most of them.
The 2016 Paralympian Shaun Anderson, opted for family time. After the announcement that the Tokyo Paralympic Games has been postponed, he has put his bow away. He only started to take aim from last week again.
Wian Roux, a silver medallist at the African Youth Games, has basically done the same. His focus is on passing his matric exam at the end of the year. He has let "fly" a few arrows, but it was more to help him clear his mind. 
"Getting to spend time with my family putting their needs first is the best thing I could have done. It revitalised me and helped me to rethink things. I got definite goals and know how I should go about to achieve it," Anderson explained.
"I opted for a slightly different approach when I resumed my training. I first went to the gym to work on strengthing my muscles to lessen the chance of getting injured. 
"At the moment, I am far from being shooting fit, but at least I can get 36 arrows to be in and around the bull. The fact that I had changed bows slightly complicates things."
If things go according to plan Anderson's first major international competition will be in June in the Czech Republic. He might, however, go to Australia in March as he has been invited to train with the Australian Paralympian archers in the built-up to the Tokyo Games.  
"I am honoured. I hope the Australians get to learn something from me. I will certainly benefit from the experience because when you train with the best, you can't help but lift your game."
According to the 18-year-old Roux, he got frustrated towards the end of last year as he felt he reached a stage where his skills as an archer started to stagnate. 
"I battled to shoot the scores I know I am capable of. That is why did not mind to take a 'clean break' when the national lockdown was announced. I don't think I will start to train in earnest until I have finished my matric exam," said the learner from Hoërskool Menlopark.
The fact that Roux will be a year older from next year means a new challenge awaits him. Now when he takes aim, the target is only 60 metres away but from the next age category, it is going to be 70 metres. 
"The extra 10 metres is going to make things slightly more challenging. It is a given that any mistake made over 60 metres are going to get worse over 70 metres. You will lose points."
Roux plans to study BCom from next year at Tuks. As an archer, his goal will be to try and qualify to represent South Africa at the World Student Games.
- Author Wilhelm de Swardt

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