UP lead support on Higher Education and Science Technology & Innovation for Africa

Posted on May 10, 2017

Following the first African Higher Education Summit held in Dakar, Senegal in March 2015 the African Union Commission (AUC) established a Committee of 10 Heads of State as African Champions of Education, Science and Technology and endorsed President Macky Sall of Senegal as the first coordinator of the group. This resolution is in line with earlier commitments recognising the importance of education to strengthen science for development on the continent as outlined in the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024). The President of Malawi who is one of the 10 champions has offered to host the first meeting of the Committee of 10 during October 2017 in Lilongwe. A technical task team has been constituted including representatives from Malawi, Mauritius, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, Kenya, the Association of African Universities (AAU),FANRPAN, RUFORUM and other stakeholders. 

Prof Frans Swanepoel represents South Africa as a member of the technical task team. The first meeting of the technical task team was held 2-5 May in Lilongwe, Malawi.

On the photo in the back row  are the 5 people from South Africa who participated in the meeting (from left to right): 

Prof Peter Mbati, University of Venda for S&T

Ms Joanna Penney, UP

Dr Aldo Stroebel, NRF

Ms Mmampei Chaba, DST and

Prof Frans Swanepoel, UP

- Author Kirsty Agnew

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