Type of activity |
Deadline for submissions |
Done through |
Research Forums (RF) |
1 November 2018 (proposal) |
E-mail to Administrative Manager for PME ([email protected]) |
15 March 2019 (full paper) |
Applications for pre-submission support |
1 November 2018 |
E-mail to coordinator David Wagner ([email protected]) |
15 January 2019 |
All other types of activities (OC, PP, WG, SE)
10 March 2019 |
All submissions need to use the PME 43 template that can be found here: PME 43 template. Submissions to ConfTool are only possible if the presenting author is registered in the ConfTool system and will only be reviewed if the presenting author pays the non-refundable conference deposit before the submission deadline. Furthermore, for accepted papers to be included in the proceedings, the presenting author has to make a full registration 15 May 2018 at the latest. More information about registrations.
You are allowed to submit up to one proposal of each type.
You are allowed to be presenting author of either a research report (including those grouped within a colloquium) or an oral communication presentation. In addition, you can be presenting author of a poster presentation, research forum, and working group. Note, that it is not allowed to change the presenting author after the review process!
Each conference participant may act as organiser of at most one colloquium and as coordinator of at most one seminar. Note, however, that because of scheduling issues it may not be compatible to be a presenter in both a research forum and a seminar. This may also apply to working groups.
The scientific program includes many different types of activities open to proposals from conference participants.
The PME pre-submission support for Research Reports and Oral Communications is intended for novice or inexperienced researchers who have limited access to expert advice and who would like to receive guidance from more experienced PME researchers. Applicants should submit their paper to the coordinator who is appointed by the International Committee. The coordinator will then assign the paper to an appropriate mentor and ensure that the communication between the mentor and novice researcher proceeds smoothly. The PME pre-submission support coordinator is David Wagner ([email protected]).
Authors who wish to have a mentor to compose a Research Report or Oral Communication should contact the coordinator as early as possible, but no later than 1 November 2018. The pre-submission support papers should be accompanied by a statement in which the authors describe
Mentors will correspond with the applicants and help strengthen their submitted papers. Please note that this procedure is meant to provide feedback on written reports. It is not meant as support for conducting research. This mentoring does not guarantee acceptance, as all submitted papers will still undergo the regular PME reviewing procedures.