“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” (Albert Einstein)
What is it?
A Faculty day opportunity for undergrad students to present their research study in 3 min without using slides.
What will be available for participants?
- A flipchart with markers and a table. A microphone.
- Participants are welcome to bring along any support materials e.g. balloons, elastic bands...
- Laptops or projectors will NOT be allowed.
- If part of a team, only one person is allowed to present.
Submission deadline: 16 August 2019
- Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
- Only undergraduate students are eligible for the Soapbox.
What is needed from you:
- Title of presentation;
- Name, surname, email address and cell number of presenter;
- If applicable, names and surnames of research team;
- Department; and
- Current year of study and degree programme.
Click here to register for the Soapbox.
Please look at the guidelines for presentations below!
Speaker Guidelines
(adapted from
- Presentation format
- Speakers must present the research study in 3 minutes to make their point.
- Your audience
- Audience members could be anyone, so you should consider your audience to be 'the person on the street'.
- The goal is to present your work so any person, regardless of their technical expertise can understand your work.
- Make yours stand out, by being clear, concise, creative and perhaps humorous!
- Some tips to presenters
- Identify the core parts of your research study that you want to discuss. Don't try and cram everything in.
- Keep it high level. Don't go into too much detail.
- Avoid jargon and technical terms. Remember that it should be easily understood by the layperson.
- Try to add some humour, and keep the content light. Make it enjoyable for the audience.
- Practice. Practice. Practice. It’s the only way to get the timing right!
- Bottom line: Keep it clear, concise and coherent
The judges will be marking you on: Clarity, Context and Creativity/Charisma
- Understanding (could you tell somebody else what the presenter's research is about)
- Delivery (how clear was the language and tone that the presenter used) and was it done in 3 min?
- No esoteric language OR esoteric terms are (briefly) explained
- Applicability to real life (did they tell us how their research study impacts everyday life)
- What “problem” is being solved and for whom?
- How big is the “problem”?
- What did they do or what will they be doing to solve the “problem”?
Creativity and Charisma
- Memorable (will you remember that specific speaker's talk, after all pitches are finished)
- Stage presence and audience engagement