Data Bundle Offer 6 of 2021

24 August 2021

Dear student

The University has again decided to assist students in need of data and the facility to apply for Data Bundle Offer 6 of 2021 opens on Wednesday 25 August 2021 and will run for a limited time. The data bundle offers are aimed at students who do not have adequate connectivity at home and who are unable to return to campus. The data should be used for assessment purposes only.

As with the previous offer, the size of the data bundle available under Data Bundle Offer 6/2021 varies slightly from mobile operator to mobile operator, but is typically for 20GB of data (10GB Any Time and 10GB Night Time), and typically expires 30 days after being made available.

However, in order to be eligible for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021 you MUST log on as described below and provide the data requested. Consequently:

  • Those students who did NOT previously apply for Data Bundle Offers can elect to now apply for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021. You are required to log on as described below and furnish UP with the information requested.
  • Those who applied previously for data bundles (whether successfully or unsuccessfully), and now want to apply for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021 MUST LOG ON AGAIN and either:
    • Confirm that your previously captured information is still valid and re-submit,


  • If you want this latest requested data bundle to be sent to a different cell number and/or mobile service provider than that supplied previously, then update the previously provided information and re-submit these changes.

[Do not assume that because you applied and received a data bundle under previous offers that you are automatically eligible for the current offer – you must re-apply each time for each new offer.]

To apply for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021, please:

  • Either:
    • Go directly to and select the “My UP Login” link to log onto the UP Portal, or
    • Attempt to log on via Select the icon labelled then select the “My UP Login” link to log onto the UP Portal.
  • From the portlets available to you in the UP Portal, click on the (green) “GO” button associated with the portlet titled “Student Centre”.
  • Ensure that you land on, or navigate to, the (default) collection of tiles labelled “UP Student Self-Service”.
  • Locate and click on the tile labelled “Data Bundle”.
  • On this function you will be asked to either enter, confirm or update:
    • The name of the mobile service provider and the mobile number on which you want this data bundle loaded (namely Cell C, MTN, Telkom or Vodacom).
    • The last 9 digits of the mobile number to which you want the data bundle sent.
    • Confirm whether the number that you specified to receive the data bundle is also your normal contact mobile/cellular number on which UP can call or SMS you.
  • Click Submit.

The first “batch” of numbers for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021 will be extracted at 12:00 on 31 August 2021 and will be sent to the various mobile service providers. Thereafter, UP will periodically (typically every Tuesday) repeat the extract process to send any new requests received for “Data Bundle Offer 6/2021” to the respective mobile service providers.

As before, the window of opportunity available to you to apply for Data Bundle Offer 6/2021 will not remain open indefinitely. It will stay open until at least 23:59 on 20 September 2021, but UP could elect to close this offer at any time thereafter.


Regrettably, once UP has sent this data to the mobile service providers, UP depends on the efficiency of the specific operator to process these requests – and so you should anticipate a time lag between your request being sent to the operator and the data bundle being made available to you.

This data bundle download facility is not available to persons who are either “Study Applicants”, such as people who are not yet enrolled at UP, or students who are enrolled on any of UP’s Online Study programmes. Furthermore, data bundles cannot be requested for SIM cards not issued by one of the above-mentioned mobile operators – even if it is a non-SA SIM card that is connected via “roaming” to one of these mobile operators.

If you happen to be in the fortunate position of already having access to adequate data through your home wi-fi, or have recently moved to a location where adequate connectivity exists, then please do not request this data bundle.

If you experience any problems please contact the IT help desk at [email protected]/ 012-420-3051 between 07:00 and 16:30. A standby service is available from 16:30 to 22:00.

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