Message regarding Workplace Safety Committee

The Executive of the University of Pretoria has approved the establishment of a Workplace Safety Committee to look into the workplace health and safety of students and staff as they return to the campus under the different lockdown levels recently announced by government.

The committee will be chaired by the Registrar, Prof Caroline Nicholson, and will include representatives from the University community, including students, staff (academic and professional services) and organised labour.

The committee’s main purpose is to look into workplace health and safety issues on all campuses and to ensure that the necessary protocols and plans are in place in line with government’s regulations.   

The health and safety of our students and staff are our priority, and we are taking the necessary precautions, in line with the health regulations, to prepare the campuses for the safe return of our students and staff.

Further announcements regarding the return of students and staff to campus will be made soon.

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