Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts

We invite abstracts for the upcoming SSAG2022 conference to be held at the University of Pretoria from 12-14 September 2022.

Please note an Abstract must be:

  • submitted online via EasyChair on or before 27 June 2022;
  • be written in English;
  • may only be submitted once; and
  • must be between 250-300 words, unstructured, and should describe the general theme of the presentation and, where relevant (and possible), the methods and results.

Please indicate in the submission system whether you would like your abstract to be considered for the Conference Proceedings. 

All abstracts will then undergo a peer review and based on the review, a select number of delegates will be invited to submit a full paper for consideration for the Proceedings to be published in 2023. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review on 22 July 2022. 

The submission date for the full paper is 1 October 2022, and will then undergo a double-blind peer review and based on the review be selected for publication in the Conference Proceedings. The decision of the organising committee in this regard will be final. Those delegates that indicate that they would not like their abstract to be considered for the Conference Proceedings will still have their abstracts reviewed. The template for the full papers will be communicated at a later stage. 

Submissions are done through EasyChair,


Important dates

Abstract submissions deadline: 27 June 2022

Notification of outcome: 22 July 2022

Full Paper submissions: 1 October 2022 (a select number of delegates will be invited to submit a full paper for consideration for the Proceedings to be published in 2023)

Important Dates
Conference Duration
12 September 2022 - 16 September 2022
3 June 2022 - 8 September 2022 [CLOSED]
Conference organizing team
Contact Email
[email protected]
Contact Number
012 420 2882
  • Human geography
  • Physical geography
  • Geoinformatics
  • Education in Geography