Southern African Law Teachers Colloquium (SALTC) 2024

Southern African Law Teachers Colloquium (SALTC) 2024 is a prelude to the bi-annual SA Law Teachers Conference jointly hosted by the University of Pretoria Faculty of Law and the Society for Law Teachers of Southern Africa. The colloquium aims to attract emerging scholars who will present their papers to peers as well as get guidance from established law scholars with the hopes of sparking cross-collaboration.

The colloquium is a novel initiative by the University of Pretoria, Law which endeavours to re-invigorate established Law teachers. As well as stimulate the development of research, teaching as well as learning capabilities of the members of the society across all legal teaching specialties. 


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline                 31 July

Notification of acceptance                       07 August

Registration                                                16 July

Cocktail even                                              04 September

Full paper submission deadline              31 January 2025