
Contact classes starting under Covid Level 1 in February 2022 

The Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering has to differentiate between its service modules and modules pertaining to its own UG programme. In the case of the service modules, classes are big (200 to 300) and due to limited capacity in “COVID venue sizes”, face-to-face sessions will be restricted to tutorial and practical sessions, where the larger groups are split into smaller groups. The scheduled class sessions will therefore be presented via Blackboard/ ClickUp.  Other undergraduate classes will similarly be presented as a mixture of online lecturing, including the use of pre-recorded videos to facilitate preparation, and face-to-face discussion classes/ practical sessions. The current published list of “Covid venue sizes” makes the accommodation of full classes for face-to-face teaching impossible and a hybrid model will therefore be followed. Should the Covid venue size restrictions be relaxed, the presentation of face-to-face sessions in all classes will be reconsidered. Semester tests, selected class tests, and the examination will be written on campus, provided that arrangements can be made regarding supplying venues with appropriate capacity.  Honours modules will be a blend of online classes, face-to-face discussion classes, with tests and examinations being done on campus.

Report Writing and Presentations:


Laboratory rules and Safety guide (revised Feb 2022)
NPY 316/416 Study Guides:

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