Welcome to ISIC2020 Conference registration portal.
Please check for Workshops under option for Extra. The preliminary programme is available. Time zones are in South African time.
Click on Sign Up, fill in your details.
You can sign up as an (i) Attendee or (ii) Invited guest (this option is only for keynote speakers, ISIC Chair and members of the local organising committee).
Please ensure to complete all fields. And please ensure to complete this before you proceed.
There is an option to bring special needs to our attention.
A verification email will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the link and create a password.
Your profile for the conference is then ACTIVE. You can now proeceed to View fees and then you will do the payment.
Once your profile is active, login to the system with your email and password.
You will see a green box (update your profile) and a yellow box (check the fees and registration options; this box will also take you to the payment options). Once you have completed payment the yellow box will also turn green to indicate that the process has been successfully complete..
First click on the green box to update your registration profile; please note that you will now have only one option for registration type - that is: Delegate. This is in addition to your previous selection of either Attendee or Invited guest.
Then click on the yellow box to view Fees and Registration and then click on 'Make Payment'. This will take you to the various registration options. You first need to view the fees, and when you click on Payment (at the bottom of the screen, you will see the options you can select from.
Make relevant selections regarding conference attendance. Please read the descriptions with care before making your selection. We have various options.
Proceed to payment.
Make a payment.
For Credit card payments, once payment is successful you will receive an email with an order as well as confirmation of payment.
For EFT payments, you will receive an email with instructions to send an email to us with your registration options and amount you need to pay. This will enable us to issue an invoice to you.
For an invoice, please indicate to whom the invoice should be issued e.g. yourself or your organisation. If your email include all relevant information it will enable us to respond swifter.
For queries relating to registration, please email [email protected]
Some guidelines on trouble shooting:
If you have forgotten your password, please click on "Forgot password".
If you have logged in, you can check your dashboard for your status.