Food Security Policy Innovation Lab

A Review of the Draft Liberia Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (LASIP II) for 2018 – 2022 with a Focus on Component 4 of the Malabo CAADP Results Framework

23 April 2018

The Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has contributed to reviving commitment to agricultural development. In 2003 African Union member states signed the Maputo Declaration which aimed to assist African countries in achieving Millenium Development Goal 1 - to halve poverty by 2015. The 2014 Malabo Declaration reaffirms key commitments from the 2003 Maputo Declaration. Through the CAADP process, countries developed National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIP) which identified key priority areas for investment. The first generation NAIPs have lapsed and many African countries are in the process of developing their second NAIP. Countries must ensure that their NAIP 2 is aligned with the Malabo declaration. 

As part of the FSP project, the University of Pretoria is providing support to countries to help them improve their second generation NAIP. This support intends to improve the likelihood of countries meeting food security and nutrition-related commitments contained in the Malabo Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals This 'Review of the Draft Liberia Agricultural Sector Investment Plan (LASIP II) for 2018 – 2022 with a Focus on Component 4 of the Malabo CAADP Results Frameworkis' the second in a series of briefs that will be reviewing African National Agricultural Investment Plans. 

- Author Eiizabeth Mkandawire