
Program: MSc Wiskunde

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
02250185 Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe
Credits Duration
Duur van studie: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 180


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

The candidate must complete a dissertation in one of the fields of Mathematics in which research is actively being done in the Department.

The programme consists of 180 credits all allocated to the dissertation. If deemed necessary and depending on the candidate’s academic background and the scope of the study, additional requirements will be set. These additional requirements are non-credit bearing and will be assessed. The composition of the additional requirements is to be decided in consultation with the supervisor and Head of Department or nominated representative. The successful completion of any additional requirements is mandatory and forms part of the degree requirements.

Full details of the compilation of the curriculum, research fields and names of possible superviors are available in the departmental postgraduate brochure at: http://www.up.ac.za/maths/postgrad

The MSc degree is conferred on the grounds of a dissertation and such additional postgraduate coursework as may be prescribed.

Renewal of registration
As long as progress is satisfactory, renewal of the registration of a master’s student will be accepted for the second year of the study. Registration for a third and subsequent years will only take place when the Student Administration of the Faculty receives a written motivation that is supported by the head of department and Postgraduate Studies Committee.

Candidates are required to familiarise themselves with the General Regulations regarding the maximum period of registration and the requirements on the submission of a draft article for publication.


  • 'n toepaslike BScHons -graad met 'n minimum van 60 % vir alle modules op honneursvlak. In die keuringsproses van die kandidaat se volledige voorgraadse en vereer akademiese rekord sal oorweeg word. In die besonder word dit sterk aanbeveel dat die volgende modules ingesluit word op honneursvlak : Meet en integrasie teorie Funksionele analise Topologie en Algebra
  • Toelating is ook onderhewig aan die beskikbaarheid van 'n geskikte studieleier vir die studie.

Ander programspesifieke inligting

The minimum duration for this degree is one year. Subject to other faculty regulations, a student for a master’s degree must complete his or her studies within three years after first registering for the degree. Under special circumstances, the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of department, may give approval for a limited fixed extension of this period. (Also see the General Regulations.)

Bevordering tot volgende studiejaar

The progress of all master's candidates is monitored biannually by the supervisor and the postgraduate coordinator. A candidate's study may be terminated if the progress is unsatisfactory or if the candidate is unable to finish his/her studies during the prescribed period.

Subject to exceptions approved by the dean, on recommendation of the head of department, and where applicable, a student may not enter for the master's examination in the same module more than twice.

Slaag met lof

The MSc degree is conferred with distinction to candidates who obtain a final average mark of at least 75% and a mark of at least 75% for the dissertation/mini-dissertation from each of the members of the examination panel. Where a member of the examination panel awards a mark of less than 75% for the dissertation/mini-dissertation, that member of the examination panel must offer, in writing, support for his/her decision, or indicate in writing that he/she supports the examination committee's decision to confer the degree with distinction.

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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