Code | Faculty | Department |
12243051 | Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology | Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering |
Credits | Duration | NQF level |
Minimum duration of study: 1 year | Total credits: 128 | NQF level: 08 |
The curriculum is determined in consultation with the relevant heads of departments. A student is required to pass modules to the value of at least 128 credits.
The degree is awarded on the basis of examinations only.
The BScHons (Applied Science) degree is conferred by the following academic departments:
Any specific module is offered on the condition that a minimum number of students are registered for the module, as determined by the relevant head of department and the Dean. Students must consult the relevant head of department in order to compile a meaningful programme, as well as on the syllabi of the modules. The relevant departmental postgraduate brochures must also be consulted.
Note: An entrance examination may be required
The programme consists of three compulsory modules (64 credits) with any relevant core module as prerequisite and the remainder of credits either core and/or non-core modules.
Please refer to the Programme Guide for further information, available here.
Refer also to G18 and G26.
A student passes with distinction if he or she obtains a weighted average of at least 75% (not rounded) in the first 128 credits for which he or she has registered (excluding modules which were discontinued timeously). The degree is not awarded with distinction if a student fails any one module (excluding modules which were discontinued timeously). The degree must be completed within the prescribed study period.
Minimum credits: 128
BAN 780, BCS 780 and BLK 781 are compulsory modules.
Please note that not all modules listed are presented each year. Please consult the departmental postgraduate brochure.
Module content:
Descriptive models are used to describe how systems or processes operate, and the outputs of these models are used as inputs for prescriptive and predictive models. Therefore, the first part of this module focuses on descriptive modelling and covers the basic approaches to data and statistical analysis.
In cases with numerous design or redesign options, mathematical programming is a powerful modelling tool that can be used to find the best design to implement. Therefore, the second part of this module covers the basics of mathematical programming and optimisation, and teaches students how to formulate, solve, and interpret results of Linear Programming (LP) and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models.
After the best design is identified, predictive models are used to predict whether a new design or improvement will have the desired effect, before its implementation. Therefore, the final theme of this module introduces students to discrete-event simulation modelling, a popular predictive modelling approach.
Module content:
Enterprise Engineering can be defined as the body of knowledge, principles, and practices to design an enterprise. Due to their complexity and the continuously changing environment, enterprises need new approaches, tools and techniques to deliver innovative products and services to new markets in competitive environments. This module offers an introduction to the engineering design process applied to the enterprise as a system, and present existing approaches for designing, aligning and governing the enterprise. Within the design paradigm, the module also offers research methods (e.g. case study research, design science research, action research and action design research) that are relevant for doing research within the enterprise engineering discipline.
The module covers:
Module content:
*This is a compulsory research module.
The module affords an individual student the opportunity of studying a designated area of coherent advanced knowledge under the tutorship of a senior staff member of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Eligibility, topic and scope of the intended project must be determined in consultation with the proposed supervisor.
Module content:
Supply chain engineering is an area in which Industrial Engineering is often applied to execute, manage, or improve elements of product and service supply chains. This module introduces students to an integrated supply chain and exposes them to strategic supply chain planning and management decisions. It also introduces key activities, business processes and business decisions related to demand- and supply-side supply chain and operations management.
Module outline:
Module content:
Building on undergraduate modules in Operations Research, the module aims to extend the mathematical programming and optimisation capabilities by introducing uncertainty. Many decision makers are confronted with complex environments in which data is not known with certainty, or in which the decision constraints are uncertain. For cases where one knows the shape, or can assume that the uncertainty follows a known probabilistic distribution, stochastic programming can be used. In the module both chance-constrained programming and fixed recourse are introduced. The module also addresses the uncertainty when a decision maker is confronted with multiple, competing objectives. Finally, deterministic and probabilistic dynamic programming are introduced for to solve recursive problems.
Module content:
At the beginning of the contact sessions, students may be allowed, based on the class composition, to suggest one additional area they may want us to discuss. This may include assembly line balancing, aggregate planning, forecasting or some areas of modern manufacturing flow control like Lean/JIT, Synchronous manufacturing/TOC, CONWIP, POLCA, COBACABANA, or DDMRP. This is not examinable, but may help students with such needs, if they are sizable and the need is identified.
Module content:
Theme 1: System Dynamics Modelling
Block Week1:
Theme 2: Agent-Based Simulation
Block Week 2:
Block Week 3:
Module content:
Main topics covered:
Supply chain reference models (SCOR and GSCF models)
Supply chain network planning and design
Global supply chain and risk management
Supply chain technology and integration
Module content:
Professionally, engineers are confronted with issues related to product quality and performance or organisational excellence. The intention of this course is to provide an overview of the domain of modern quality management and to equip the student with theory, methodologies and tools and techniques to improve and achieve product quality and performance excellence.
The course covers the following topics;
• Contextualisation: The History, Guru’s, Principles, Industrial setting and the Domain of Quality Management
• Practices of improving and achieving product quality: Role in Industrial Engineering, On-line and Off-line Quality Control Practices
• Frameworks of improving organisational excellence: National Quality Awards, ISO 9000 and other frameworks
• Practices of improving performance excellence: Quality and Competitive advantage, Customer and Supplier relationships, People Empowerment and Motivation, Quality Leadership and Organisational change.
Module content:
Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering profession that focuses on the conception, design, development, architecting, integration and management of complex systems over their life cycle. It does this by creating, executing and coordinating an interactive platform for all stakeholders viz: clients, consumers, design team/technical crew and management team amongst others. Complexity of systems hinges on diversity, multiplicity and intricacy of intra and interconnectivity of system entities. This module will commence briefly with some introductory knowledge prior to diverting to intermediate and advanced concepts with specific attention given to case studies, software applications and emergence of research opportunities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems covering robotics systems modelling amongst others would be addressed and given a special preference.
[Block Week One]: Design, Operations and Performance of Systems
Systems Design, Architecting, verification, Analysis and validation
Model-Based Systems Engineering
Matlab Demo of Requirements Deployment-Modelling of case study systems.
Operation of systems-covering: Reliability of systems; Maintenance-Time and Condition based
Fuzzy Logic/Biomimicry Maintenance.
[Block Week Two]:Complexity of interaction in Systems
Understanding and modelling system complexity, IoT (Internet of Things), RoTs (Relationship of Things), System of Systems, System of System of Systems, Life Cycle Analysis of interacting systems.
[Block Week Three]: Understanding and Modelling AI Systems
Robotic Arm and Vehicle, Design, Dynamics (Kinematics and Kinetics), Static analysis and joint stiffness; Sensors and Actuators.
Module content:
To make students conversant with the concepts, tools and techniques of reliability engineering.
Capita selecta from:
• Introduction to Reliability Engineering
• Reliability Mathematics
• Probability Plotting
• Reliability Prediction for Design
• Reliability Testing
• Reliability Growth
• Maintainability
• Reliability Management
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