Product development 411

Modulekode KLR 411
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Entrepreneurship in the South African clothing industry, business planning, starting a business and the product development processes that form part of the manufacturing of clothing.
Production: planning, conceptualisation, development, product analysis, execution and presentation of products. Application of clothing, textile and consumer knowledge by utilising a CAD-program for planning and assembling apparel. 
Marketing aspects: Small business marketing and management, economic and strategic decisions regarding a clothing small business as well as the development of new clothing products, bearing in mind the needs of the selected target market, financial aspects and overall business planning 
Assignments are based on the themes covered in the module. The UN sustainable development goals #8, 11&12 are addressed during the module and all projects are focused on responsible consumption and production, community engagement and economic growth.

Modulekrediete 19.00
NQF Level 08
Prerequisites KLR 221 and KLR 321
Contact time 1 practical per week, 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Afrikaans and English are used in one class
Department Consumer and Food Sciences
Period of presentation Semester 1

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