
Information and communications and technology law 802

Modulekode KUB 802
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Law

This module will provide students with detailed knowledge and understanding of the underlying theory and diverse provisions of applicable international and domestic legislation as well as practical guidance on the application thereof. The following aspects will be addressed within the context of information and communications technology law;

  1. General introduction to international and domestic information technology law
  2. General principles of international and domestic electronic contracting
  3. Capita selecta from electronic transacting: online gaming, auctions and the sales of restricted goods, electronic payment methods and digital banking/financial services
  4. Consumer protection
  5. Privacy and data protection
  6. Free speech on the Internet
  7. Cyber crime
  8. Electronic challenges facing copyright law
  9. Domain name regulation, governance and dispute resolution
  10. Internet Service Provider (ISP) rights, duties and liabilities
Modulekrediete 30.00
NQF Level 09
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Mercantile Law
Period of presentation Semester 1 or Semester 2

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