Program: BSocSciHons Anthropology

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
01243016 Faculty of Humanities Department: Anthropology and Archaeology
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120 NQF level:  08


The honours degree entails one year of full-time study and comprises of coursework, ethnographic field research and examinations, as well as a research report of 10 000 words based on field research which must be completed by the end of the academic year.

Students must conduct at least 5 weeks of fieldwork and are also required to attend departmental seminars.

Admission requirements

  1. Relevant bachelor’s degree with specialisation in anthropology
  2. A weighted average of at least 65% in Anthropology at final-year level but students with 70% or more for Anthropology at final-year level will receive preference

Note: Additional work/modules may be required in order to reach the desired level of competency.

Additional requirements

  • If deemed necessary additional modules will be required.
  • Students with a mark between 60% and 65% could be considered under special conditions. Apply to programme manager(s).

Minimum krediete: 120

Core modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    Theory and practice of participant observation. Other techniques of data collection used by anthropologists. Organisation and use of field notes. Reflexivity and fieldwork. Practical application of research methods.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This module builds on the anthropological and ethnographic knowledge students have acquired. With reference to contemporary anthropological theories, students will deepen their insights into the world around them and the discipline itself. This will aid in the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills from a contemporary anthropological perspective.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The production of ethnographic texts, reflexivity in ethnographic writing, postmodernism, contemporary concerns about ethnographic texts and the “crisis of representation”. A critical reading of three recent ethnographies.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    The honours degree entails one year of full-time study and comprises of coursework, ethnographic field research and examinations as well as a research report of between 12,000 to a maximum of 15,000 words based on field research which must be completed by the end of the academic year.

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