
Program: PhD Communication Management

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
07267282 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Department: Business Management
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360 NQF level:  10


The degree comprises the writing of a thesis and a draft article for publication in a recognised scientific journal.

Not all postgraduate programmes are offered every year. Please consult the relevant faculty's student administration concerning the presentation of this programme.

Admission requirements

  1. Relevant master’s degree
  2. A cumulative weighted average of at least 60% for the master’s degree

Other programme-specific information

The relevant head of department reserves the right to prescribe additional modules/seminars for a candidate.

Examinations and pass requirements

The thesis should be passed in accordance with the stipulations of Regulations G.52 and G.60.2.2, as well as a compulsory module in Research Methodology.

Research information

The weight of the research component (thesis and draft article for publication) contributes 100% towards the total requirement for the degree. All prescribed modules are prerequisites for the thesis.

The proposal has to be approved by all relevant committees before the candidate can commence with the thesis. The candidate will then continue to work under supervision of his/her supervisor(s) to complete the research and to develop and finalise a thesis according to departmental guidelines and regulations. A candidate, before or on submission of the thesis, must submit at least one draft article for publication in a recognised scientific journal. The draft article should be based on the research the candidate has conducted for the thesis and be approved by the supervisor(s). The draft article is a requirement for the degree to be conferred on the candidate. The candidate has to give advance notice, in the appropriate format, about his/her intent to submit the thesis.

If a candidate fails any of the exemption assessments, the head of the department reserves the right to specify additional modules and to register him/her for EBW 900 (Research proposal) until he/she has met the specified requirements.

The research component comprises the writing of a thesis and a draft article for publication. A two-page outline proposal has to be submitted to the head of the department. Upon approval of the proposal, a supervisor(s) will be appointed. The candidate will work under the guidance of his/her supervisor to develop a detailed research proposal according to the departmental guidelines. The proposal has to be approved by all relevant committees before the candidate can commence with the thesis. The candidate will then continue to work under supervision of his/her supervisor to complete the research and to develop and finalise a thesis according to departmental guidelines and regulations. A public defence of the final thesis is required as part of the examination process.

A candidate, before or on submission of the thesis, must submit at least one draft article for publication in a recognised academic journal. The draft article should be based on the research the candidate has conducted for the thesis and be approved by the supervisor. The draft article is a necessary condition for the degree to be conferred on the candidate.

The weight of the research component (thesis and draft article for publication) contributes 100% towards the total requirement for the degree (thesis 80%, article 20%). All prescribed modules are prerequisites for the thesis.

Core modules

Core modules

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