DSP programming 300

Modulekode ESP 300
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

This module is presented during one of the recess periods in the third year of study. The module is an introduction to digital signal processors (DSPs) for electrical engineering students. The first of three days is dedicated to theory lectures introducing DSP and addressing quantisation, sampling theory, anti-aliasing filters, correlation, convolution, DFT, inverse DFT, Z- transforms, digital filters (low pass, anti-aliasing, FIR and IIR) and the design thereof. PCB layout techniques, decoupling and bypass capacitors relating to digital circuits are addressed. At the end of the theory sessions students need to design a filter. The practical work over the last two days consists of implementing the filter designed as well as coding DAC, FIR, IIR and PWM for a DSP. The DAC, FIR, IIR and PWM are implemented in hardware/firmware and the results displayed on an oscilloscope. At the end of the module each student will demonstrate a working system consisting of the developed firmware and hardware performing the required signal processing functions. Students will be informed by the Department if, for practical reasons, the module needs to be offered in a different time slot.

Modulekrediete 4.00
NQF Level 07
Prerequisites EPW 200, (ELI 220), (EMK 310)
Contact time Three days
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Period of presentation Year

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