Veterinary core practice 603

Modulekode VCP 603
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Veterinary Science

Practical application of the theoretical aspects of small animal, production animal, equine and state veterinary practice covered in the core curriculum of the BVSc programme.  Topics include medicine, surgery, reproduction, diagnostic imaging, pathology and clinical pathology, ophthalmology, dentistry and anaesthesiology of cats, dogs, cattle, small stock and horses, herd/flock health, epidemiology, economics, drug regulations, certification, animal health- and import/export regulations, veterinary public health, veterinary business management and veterinary professional life skills. The emphasis of practical exposure will be on attaining of the Day One Competencies for graduating veterinary professionals.

Modulekrediete 54.00
Prerequisites All modules up to and including the 9th semester of the BVSc curriculum.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Companion Animal Clinical Studies
Period of presentation Semester 2

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