
Drama and film studies 320

Modulekode DFK 320
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Humanities
Counter discourses
Social relations, material conditions, discursive practices, identity and representational structures will be studied in relation to Marxist Materialism, cross-cultural theatre, postmodern discourse and post-theory ideas. Key figures and ideas from relevant critical theory will guide an interrogation of popular performance and cinema as well as non-dominant cinemas and modes of performance.
A & B: For students who enrolled for the BA Drama programme prior to 2016, as well as for students entering the BDram programme in 2016. 
Modulekrediete 20.00
Prerequisites DFK 310
Contact time 3 lectures per week
Language of tuition Afrikaans and English are used in one class
Department School of the Arts
Period of presentation Semester 2

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