
Program: BAHons Visual Studies

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
01240273 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 jaar Totale krediete: 120 NQF level:  08
Prof AA du Preez
[email protected]
+27 (0)124203755


This qualification builds on the foundation laid in the undergraduate Visual Studies programme, and offers students the opportunity to engage in research and to start developing their own field of interest and specialisation, which can then be pursued in further postgraduate studies.

Admission requirements

  • An appropriate BA degree with an average of at least 65%.

Other programme-specific information

DRA 710 may be chosen in consultation with the programme manager.

Minimum krediete: 120

Elective modules

Select ONE of the following:

VKK 756 Cross-media visual

VKK 757 Visual archiving and curating

DRA 710 may be chosen in consultation with the programme manager.

Core modules

Elective modules

  • Module-inhoud:

    This module exposes students to the latest visual and digital research methodologies such as the use of photo diaries, interactive web documentaries, film and video clips, social media sites, mapping, visualisation of data and other multimodal scholarship skills in order to present a research portfolio/dossier aligned with the topic of their research essay (see VKK 755). A three-tiered analysis of images across media is followed, namely the site of production, the image itself and the meanings negotiated in specific social contexts.

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  • Module-inhoud:

    This module exposes students to theories and practices of the visual archive with a specific emphasis on how the digital impacts on curatorship and archiving. Students present a research portfolio/dossier, aligned with the topic of their research essay (see VKK 755), of a selected curatorial strategy within a visual archive that may include film, posters, magazines, newspapers, television, video, visual arts, postcards, photographs. The strategies may include e-curatorship or digital curatorship, as well as other traditional curatorial activities and ‘older’ technologies.

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