Legal aspects 803

Modulekode ILC 803
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

The objective of this module is to present the basic principles of the law with which the project manager has to deal with during the planning and execution of a project. An introduction is presented on the sources of law, the structure of the South African legal system and representatives sources of obligations. The general law of contract is done in great detail with special reference to clauses used in contracts, different types of contracts as well as breach and remedies. Practical examples are given to enable the student to understand how the law is applied in practice. Special attention is then given to the law of purchase and sale and to construction/engineering law (letting and hiring of work). Further attention is also given to aspects of labour law and alternative dispute resolution.  Another relevant aspect discussed in less detail is representation (agency).

Modulekrediete 10.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 20 contact hours per semester
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Engineering and Technology Management
Period of presentation Semester 1 or Semester 2

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