Research project: Rural development studies 780

Modulekode ARD 780
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

Overview of the concepts and theories of rural development including evolution of rural development theories, role of agriculture in rural developments, natural resource base and role of government. Rural livelihood systems focusing on household farming systems, decisions and operation of farming systems, the farm as a social system, nonfarm, off-farm small, micro and medium enterprises in the rural economy, development intervention and household food security. Rural institutions including local governance, community based and farmer organisations, agricultural credit and rural finance, input and output markets, human capital formation, land tenure and land reform, policy making institutions, and institutions of the agricultural knowledge triangle (research, teaching and extension).  The relationship between rural sociology, community development and extension;  physical and social structures of communities;  cultural relativism;  sustainability;  indigenous knowledge;  social stratification;  development as change;  principles and functions of community development;  development barriers;  participatory development methodologies, rural poverty.  Methodologies for rural development including farming systems approach, participatory appraisal techniques, assessment of land-use patterns and agrarian systems in rural settings: zoning techniques, socio-economic and technical assessment of the farming system, topological techniques and gender sensitive methodologies. Communication for rural development and planning rural development at local levels. Practical assignment in collaboration with rural communities managed by the School’s outreach department.

Modulekrediete 30.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 1 lecture per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Agricultural Economics Extension and Rural Develo
Period of presentation Year

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