
Ethics and sustainability 785

Modulekode GIC 785
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Gordon Institute of Business Science

The purpose of this half-module is to create an appropriate level of awareness of the importance of ethical and sustainable behaviour in the business environment. Important ethical and sustainability issues in the South African context will be debated and discussed to ensure delegates appreciate some of the hurdles facing business leaders in South Africa. Students will develop an understanding of the underlying principles behind responsible leadership and be provided with tools to make sound business decisions where there is an ethical dimension present. It will also provide students with tools to assist them when faced with ethical dilemmas.


Modulekrediete 5.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 14 contact hours over 1 week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Gordon Institute of Business Science
Period of presentation Semester 1 or Semester 2

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