
Entrepreneurial start-up process 822

Modulekode ENP 822
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Creative problem-solving and identification of opportunities: ideation and design thinking. Translation of ideation, design thinking and prototyping towards the process of innovation.  Determining of viability and feasibility of opportunities generated through the process of concept development and evaluation. Entrepreneurial marketing and sales (an access to markets approach). Emphasis on E-marketing (how to effectively make use of social media marketing). Development of business modelling, taking ideation to market. Designing business models aligned with the market realm. Value-to-customer building and business efficiency development. The business planning process will be developed with an intensive focus on primary market research. The business plan, preparation and evaluation. Business plan for different stages of the business cycle
Modulekrediete 50.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Business Management
Period of presentation Year

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