
Professional and technical communication 310

Modulekode CJJ 310
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology

Effective communication with engineering and technical audiences, as well as with the community at large, is taught. The emphasis is on written documentation. Formal communication is characterised by: the use of appropriate language and style; effective structuring of information; the use of modern electronic communication technologies, with emphasis on word processing, spreadsheets, appropriate email protocols, effective use of graphic information, effective and correct presentation of numerical data, correct referencing methods, seamless inclusion of mathematics expressions, tables, diagrams and appendices in written work; appropriate methods for levelling communication to the requirements of the target audience.

Modulekrediete 8.00
Prerequisites CIR 123
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Chemical Engineering
Period of presentation Semester 1

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