
Laboratory animal science 702

Modulekode LAS 702
Kwalifikasie Nagraads
Fakulteit Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde

Section 1: (10 credits)
Application of procedures within an accredited laboratory animal facility, with focus on laboratory animal management (rats and mice), including housing and care; enrichment; breeding; methods of dosing and methods of sample collection.

Section 2: (20 credits)
The biology of laboratory animals, their management and use as models in biomedical research.
The aim is to extend the activities concerning the care and use of laboratory animals for research, training and testing. Further to affirm the concept on which the modern practice of experimenting with animals is based, to take into consideration the controversy evoked in the climate of animal rights. The special professional role required of the veterinary and paraveterinary professions to enhance humane practice with regard to animal experiments as well as the promotion of a productive scientific effort in the biomedical sciences.

Modulekrediete 30.00
Onderrigtaal Module word in Engels aangebied
Departement Parakliniese Wetenskappe
Aanbiedingstydperk Jaar

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