Modulekode | LEK 833 |
Kwalifikasie | Nagraads |
Fakulteit | Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe |
Module-inhoud | *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar. The concept and interrelated causes of food insecurity (production, markets and socio-economic climate) and the global food economy. Household coping strategies and response to risk and shocks. Household dynamics (including livelihoods, purchasing behaviour and nutrition). Practical tools for programme and policy analysis and targeting. Evaluation of possible programme and policy options and their effectiveness in terms of achieving comprehensive and pro-poor growth. |
Modulekrediete | 15.00 |
Programme | |
Diensmodules | Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe |
Voorvereistes | Registrasie vir ten minste ’n magistergraad |
Kontaktyd | 1 lesing per week, 1 praktiese sessies per week, 1 seminaar per week |
Onderrigtaal | Module word in Engels aangebied |
Departement | Landbou-ekonomie, Voorligting en Landelike Ontw |
Aanbiedingstydperk | Semester 2 |
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