Code | Faculty |
10250373 | Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe |
Credits | Duration |
Minimum duur van studie: 4 jaar | Totale krediete: 480 |
Benewens die hoofvak en voorvereistes moet 'n student ook 'n verhandeling (GSS 891 Verhandeling - 180 krediete) oor 'n goedgekeurde navorsingsprojek slaag. Die bepalings van die Algemene Regulasies oor die voorbereiding, indiening, tegniese versorging en die samevatting van die verhandeling is van toepassing.
'n Voornemende student vir die MMed-graadprogram moet vir minstens twee jaar in besit wees van die MBChB-graad van die Universiteit of ’n kwalifikasie wat deur die Universiteit as gelykwaardig erken word. Daarbenewens moet sodanige student vir minstens een jaar by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika as geneesheer geregistreer wees.
Elke student moet die Universiteit tevrede stel dat hy of sy
(i) vir ’n tydperk van vier jaar volgens die vereistes van die Departement Gesondheidsgeneeskunde, met welslae ’n voltydse opleidingspos beklee het.
(ii) toepaslike teoretiese en praktiese opleiding ontvang en voltooi het soos bepaal;
(iii) met welslae die voorgeskrewe skriftelike, mondelinge en/of praktiese universiteits- of ekwivalente primêre Kolleges van Geneeskunde van Suid-Afrika-eksamens afgelê het.
Elke student moet die Universiteit tevrede stel dat hy of sy
Let wel:Alle MMed-studente moet vir (TNM 800) Toegepaste navorsingsmetodologie 800 registreer en dit bevredigend bywoon.
Onder hoofvak word verstaan die erkende spesialiseringsgebied van die Geneeskunde waarop die student hom of haar in die besonder toelê. Die studie van die hoofvak strek oor vier jaar, soos deur die Departement Openbare Gesondheidsgeneeskunde voorgeskryf.
Tweede eksamengeleentheid
Tweede eksamens in die voorvereiste vakke vind eers plaas nadat minstens ses maande verloop het na die eksamen waarin die student gedruip het.
Van kliniese assistente in Openbare Gesondheidsgeneeskunde word verwag om gedurende hul opleidingstydperk ’n roterende verbintenis met ’n aantal aangewese gesondheidsdiensorganisasies te ondergaan.
’n Verhandeling oor ’n goedgekeurde navorsingsprojek moet geslaag word benewens die hoofvak en voorvereiste vakke. Die bepalings van die Algemene Regulasies in verband met die voorbereiding en indiening, tegniese versorging en samevatting van ’n verhandeling, is van toepassing.
Die graad word aan die einde van die voorgeskrewe opleidingstydperk, d.i. vier jaar, toegeken. Die graad word met lof toegeken aan ’n student wat ’n finale punt van minstens 75% in sy of haar hoofvak behaal het.
Minimum krediete: 480
* Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module involves the theory of leadership and organisational models in health, health systems and their planning, management and evaluation. Knowledge and application of relevant national and key international health policies and legislation. Knowledge and skills in health economics and financing, psychology, medical sociology and sociological models of health, health promotion and social marketing. Knowledge and application of qualitative research methodologies. Knowledge and skills in occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and management of an occupational health service.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module covers the principles of basic and applied Epidemiology, e.g. quantitative research methodologies, infectious diseases epidemiology, clinical epidemiology and epidemiology for occupational health. The principles of biostatistics and the use of STATA software for management and analysis of datasets. The principles of demography and interpretation and utilisation of demographic data. Health information systems.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The final exit examination GGS 800 will be conducted by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. The content of GGS 800 is therefore as determined by the current regulations and curriculum of the College of Public Health Medicine, a constituent member of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
This module covers the principles of disease prevention and control and addresses a broad scope of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Surveillance systems and their applications.
Minimum krediete: 480
* Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module involves the theory of leadership and organisational models in health, health systems and their planning, management and evaluation. Knowledge and application of relevant national and key international health policies and legislation. Knowledge and skills in health economics and financing, psychology, medical sociology and sociological models of health, health promotion and social marketing. Knowledge and application of qualitative research methodologies. Knowledge and skills in occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and management of an occupational health service.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module covers the principles of basic and applied Epidemiology, e.g. quantitative research methodologies, infectious diseases epidemiology, clinical epidemiology and epidemiology for occupational health. The principles of biostatistics and the use of STATA software for management and analysis of datasets. The principles of demography and interpretation and utilisation of demographic data. Health information systems.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The final exit examination GGS 800 will be conducted by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. The content of GGS 800 is therefore as determined by the current regulations and curriculum of the College of Public Health Medicine, a constituent member of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
This module covers the principles of disease prevention and control and addresses a broad scope of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Surveillance systems and their applications.
Minimum krediete: 480
* Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module involves the theory of leadership and organisational models in health, health systems and their planning, management and evaluation. Knowledge and application of relevant national and key international health policies and legislation. Knowledge and skills in health economics and financing, psychology, medical sociology and sociological models of health, health promotion and social marketing. Knowledge and application of qualitative research methodologies. Knowledge and skills in occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and management of an occupational health service.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module covers the principles of basic and applied Epidemiology, e.g. quantitative research methodologies, infectious diseases epidemiology, clinical epidemiology and epidemiology for occupational health. The principles of biostatistics and the use of STATA software for management and analysis of datasets. The principles of demography and interpretation and utilisation of demographic data. Health information systems.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The final exit examination GGS 800 will be conducted by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. The content of GGS 800 is therefore as determined by the current regulations and curriculum of the College of Public Health Medicine, a constituent member of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
This module covers the principles of disease prevention and control and addresses a broad scope of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Surveillance systems and their applications.
Minimum krediete: 480
* Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module involves the theory of leadership and organisational models in health, health systems and their planning, management and evaluation. Knowledge and application of relevant national and key international health policies and legislation. Knowledge and skills in health economics and financing, psychology, medical sociology and sociological models of health, health promotion and social marketing. Knowledge and application of qualitative research methodologies. Knowledge and skills in occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and management of an occupational health service.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
This module covers the principles of basic and applied Epidemiology, e.g. quantitative research methodologies, infectious diseases epidemiology, clinical epidemiology and epidemiology for occupational health. The principles of biostatistics and the use of STATA software for management and analysis of datasets. The principles of demography and interpretation and utilisation of demographic data. Health information systems.
*Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.
The final exit examination GGS 800 will be conducted by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. The content of GGS 800 is therefore as determined by the current regulations and curriculum of the College of Public Health Medicine, a constituent member of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
Hierdie module word slegs in Engels aangebied.
This module covers the principles of disease prevention and control and addresses a broad scope of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Surveillance systems and their applications.
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