
Site investigation project 713

Module code GTX 713
Qualification Postgraduate
Faculty Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
Module content

Field work which includes mapping, soil and rock description, joint surveys, borehole testing, water sampling, interpretation of laboratory test results and compilation of site investigation reports.  Larger projects of at least two months of fieldwork and report writing which involves surface and underground studies, mapping, drill core logging, discontinuity surveys, rock mass classification, stability analyses, interpretation of laboratory tests or pollution studies including water and/or soil sampling, interpretation of laboratory tests, development of a rehabilitation plan or groundwater model and compilation of a report. Compulsory attendance at conferences, short courses, specialist lectures, visits to construction sites and fields excursions.

Module credits 30.00
Prerequisites GLY 363/GLY 364 or TDH
Contact time 13 practicals per week (11 weeks), 1 lecture per week for 11 wks
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Academic organisation Geology
Period of presentation Year

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