
Program: DCom Toerismebestuur

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07260243 Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe
Credits Duration
Duur van studie: 2 jaar Totale krediete: 360
Prof BA Lubbe
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202323


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

Alle nagraadse programme word nie elke jaar aangebied nie. Kontak asseblief die betrokke fakulteit oor die aanbieding van hierdie program.



(i)   Behoudens die bepalings van Algemene Regulasies G.45 G.1.3 en G.62 word ’n kandidaat slegs toegelaat tot doktorale studie indien hy of sy in besit is van ’n toepaslike magistergraad. Die betrokke departements-hoof/direkteur kan addisionele toelatingsvereistes stel.

(ii)  Ten opsigte van DCom:

(aa) Voldoende kennis van die Ekonomiese Finansiële en Bestuurs-wetenskappe asook Statistiek soos deur die betrokke departementshoof in oorleg met die Dekaan bepaal.

(bb) Graad 12-Wiskunde of ’n ander kwalifikasie in Wiskunde Statistiek of Wiskundige statistiek wat volgens die oordeel van die departementshoof/direkteur voldoende is word vereis.

(iii) Spesifieke departemente het verskillende toelatingsvereistes wat in die                       Nagraadse brosjure van die Fakulteit gepubliseer word.

(iv) Die aantal studente sal bepaal word volgens die Universiteit se groeibeleid

(v) Die Dekaan behou die reg voor om verdienstelike kandidate te plaas om die diversiteitsprofiel van die studente aan te pas.

Hoof kurrikuluminligting:

(i)   Proefskrif:

Elke kandidaat vir die DCom- of DAdmin-graad moet ’n proefskrif voorlê wat handel oor ’n onderwerp wat deur die Nagraadse Komitee op aanbeveling van die departementshoof/direkteur goedgekeur is.

(ii)  Eksamen:

(aa) ’n Mondelinge eksamen moet oor die proefskrif afgelê word; en

(bb) Ten opsigte van DCom:

Capita selecta uit die Ekonomiese Finansiële en Bestuurswetenskappe asook Statistiek.

Indien ’n kandidaat op ’n ander wyse voldoende kennis van hierdie grondmodules bekom het kan hy of sy op aanbeveling van die departmentshoof/direkteur deur die Dekaan van die eksamens in die voorgeskrewe capita selecta vrygestel word.

(cc) Die slaag van die module EBW 801 (of enige ander module in Navorsingsmetodologie soos deur die betrokke departement vereis) is verpligtend vir alle programme met dien verstande dat die Dekaan in uitsonderlike gevalle en op aanbeveling van die betrokke departmentshoof kan goedkeur dat daar van hierdie bepaling afgesien kan word.

Addisionele vereistes

If a candidate fails any of the exemption assessments, the head of the department reserves the right to specify additional modules until he/she has met the specified requirements.

The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or in the Faculty Regulations.

A candidate must also pass a compulsory module in Research methodology if it has not been completed on master’s level. However, the Dean may, in exceptional cases and with recommendation of the head of department concerned, waive this prerequisite.

  • Adequate knowledge of Management, Financial and Economic Sciences as well as Statistics as determined by the head of department concerned in consultation with the Dean (Also refer to “presentation on the thesis”).
  • A pass mark in Mathematics at Grade 12 level or another qualification in Mathematics, Statistics or Mathematical Statistics deemed adequate by the head of department concerned.
  • Exemption assessment on preparatory work, as determined by the head of department concerned.
  • A candidate who has acquired adequate knowledge of these basic modules through other means, may be exempted from the examinations in the prescribed capita selecta by the Dean, on the recommendation of the head of department/director.


The extent of doctoral study (See General Regulations G.42 – G.53)

Thesis: A candidate for the DCom, DAdmin or PhD degree must submit a thesis on a topic that has been recommended by the head of department or the director of the school and approved by the Postgraduate Committee.

Examination of the thesis

  1. A thesis must be proof of a candidate’s ability to work independently and must contain proof of a candidate’s ability to conduct original research that contributes to the development of new knowledge and expertise.
  2. Sufficient number of bound copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Head: Student Administration for examination, after obtaining permission from the supervisor.
  3. An oral examination chaired by the head of the department during which the candidate is required to do a presentation on the thesis will be scheduled before the degree can be conferred.

Minimum krediete: 360


  • Module-inhoud:

    *Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

    The following broad themes are covered:
    •  An overview of the research process to be followed and
       the outcomes required of postgraduate students;
    •  Foundational skills for postgraduate students;
    •  What is research?;
    •  What is a theory and how can I ensure that my study makes a
       clear theoretical contribution?;
    •  An overview of the structure of a research proposal;
    •  Identifying and evaluating possible research topics;
    •  Delineating the scope of a study;
    •  Writing a literature review;
    •  Choosing an appropriate inquiry strategy (research approach) for a
    •   Writing the research design and methods section of a research

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Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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