
Audiology 120

Module code ODL 120
Qualification Undergraduate
Faculty Faculty of Humanities
Module content

*Closed – requires departmental selection
Introduction to auditory rehabilitation and amplification: The importance of the early identification of a hearing loss; characteristics of the person with a hearing loss; communication problems caused by different types and degrees of hearing loss; the choices of basic communication approaches for the young child with hearing loss; the basic elements of a rehabilitation program for a person with a hearing loss (speech reading, auditory training, communication strategies); and the role of the healthcare professionals in this process. Introduction to sound acoustics; the development of hearing instruments; overview of non-invasive amplification; basic components and electroacoustic properties of hearing aids; controls and functions of different hearing aids; basic information on available advanced amplification; technical standards and performance data; identification and management of distortions and feedback in instruments; overview of ear moulds and shells and the modification thereof.

Module credits 7.00
Prerequisites Admission into relevant programme
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Double Medium
Academic organisation Speech-Language Pathlgy + Aud
Period of presentation Semester 2

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