
Program: MBA Deeltyds

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty
07254008 Gordon Institute of Business Science
Credits Duration
Duur van studie: 1 jaar


Hierdie inligting is slegs in Engels beskikbaar.

See General Regulation G.31.

The Dean has the right of authorisation regarding matters not provided for in the General Regulations or the GIBS regulations.

Prescribed modules, LEAD 1 and 2, a compulsory research project (which has to be completed in the final year of study) and a compulsory international tour are required. 

The language of tuition for the MBA is English.

In the event of deferral of studies due to extenuating circumstances, a student must complete the degree one year after the graduation of his/her cohort class. Failure to complete the degree within this period will disqualify a student from further registration. Any student who fails more than two core modules will be deregistered from the programme.

Ander programspesifieke inligting

Potential electives
GIA 804 Contemporary issues in governance 804
GIA 807 Advanced valuation techniques 807
GIA 810 Contemporary issues in ethics 810
GIA 811 Contemporary issues in information and knowledge management 811
GIA 812 Contemporary issues in finance 812
GIA 813 Contemporary issues in investment 813
GIA 814 Contemporary issues in organisational development 814
GIA 815 Contemporary issues in strategy 815
GIA 816 Contemporary issues in stakeholder management 816
GIA 817 Contemporary issues in innovation 817
GIA 819 Contemporary issues in leadership 819
GIA 821 Contemporary issues in general management 821
GIA 822 Contemporary issues in the environment of business 822
GIA 823 Contemporary issues in organisational behaviour 823
GIA 826 Project and Infrastructure Finance 826
GIA 827 Reputation management 827
GIA 829 Competition and regulation 829
GIA 832 Microfinance and inclusive banking 832
GIA 834 Ethics and leadership 834
GIA 835 Competitiveness of South Africa Inc. in the global economy 835
GIA 837 Strategic change in the South African context 837
GIA 838 Business law 838
GIA 842 Sports marketing 842
GIA 844 Financial derivatives 844
GIA 847 Black economic empowerment 847
GIA 848 Competitive intelligence 848
GIA 850 International business strategy 850
GIA 879 Imagination for the business mind 879
GIA 886 Contemporary issues in dynamic markets 886
GIA 889 Professional management consulting 889
GIA 891 Contemporary issues in global business 891
GIA 897 Macroeconomic forces and micro economic consequences 897
GIA 890 Advocacy as a critical skill 890
GIB 800 Creative and innovative thinking 800
GIB 801 Managing human capital 801
GIB 802  Financial modelling 802
GIB 803 Mergers and acquisitions 803
GIB 804 Building brands 804
GIB 805 Expert negotiator 805
GIB 806 Strategy in private equity 806
GIB 807 Information and knowledge management 807
GIB 808 Strategy and general management 808
GIB 809 Investment finance 809
GIB 810 Operationalising strategy 810
GIB 818 Strategic finance and value creation 818
GIB 820 Competitiveness and economic development 820
GIB 826 Institutional money management 826
GIB 828 Technology and emerging markets 828
GIB 830 Strategy and technology 830
GIB 831 Business opportunities and innovations in Africa 831
GIB 833 Economics of organisational strategy 833
GIB 836 Scenario planning and strategic thinking 836
GIB 839 Innovating business at the base 839
GIB 840 Woman in leadership 840
GIB 841 Consumer behaviour in dynamic markets 841
GIB 843 Effective execution and project management 843
GIB 845 Understanding dynamic markets 845
GIB 846 Innovation for future fitness (sustainability) 846
GIB 849 Business connectedness in Southern Africa 849
GIB 851 Leader as Coach 851
GIB 853 Corporate governance 853
GIB 855 Customer centric strategy 855
GIB 856 Multinational enterprise business strategy 856
GIB 883 Contemporary issues in personal effectiveness 883
GIB 885 Managing information systems and big data 885
GIB 886 Contemporary issues in research 886
GIC 802 Digital marketing 802
GIC 805 Geopolitics and grand strategy 805
GIC 806 The lean start-up 806
GIC 807 Services marketing 807
GIC 808 Marketing metrics 808
GIC 810 Doing business in India 810
GIC 811 Leading through storytelling 811
GIC 814 The moral leader 814
GIC 819 Understanding business in China 819
GIC 820 Advanced manufacturing -Supply chain management 820
GIC 821 African industralisation 821
GIC 822 Industrial and trade policy in support of industralisation 822
GIC 823 Manufacturing and the environment 823
GIC 824 The future of manufacturing - Quo Vadis 824
GID 802 Supply chain and logistics 802
GID 804 Contemporary issues in sustainability 804
GID 806 Contemporary issues in African management 806
GID 807 Sustainable business 807
GID 808 International elective 808
GID 809 International elective 809
GID 810 International elective 810
GID 811 International elective 811
GID 812 International elective 812
GID 819 Global economic governance and business diplomacy 819
GID 821 Sales leadership 821
GID 823 Strategy and execution 823
GID 850 Personal leadership development 850
GID 851 Advanced entrepreneurship 851
GID 852 Strategy renewal 852
GID 853 Sales and business development 853
GID 854 Strategic leadership decision-making 854
GID 856 Business valuation and deal structure 856
GID 857 Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation 857
GID 858 Dealing with change and change immunity 858
GID 879 Developing markets 879
GID 889 Ethics and financial reporting 889
GID 898 Managing in frontier and emerging markets 898
GIE 815 Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship 815
GIE 817 Contemporary issues in marketing 817
GIE 818 Contemporary issues in human resources 818
GIE 829 Persuasion – the art and science of influence 829
GIE 880 Contemporary issues in supply chain management 880

Eksamens en slaagvereistes

  1. The minimum pass mark for each module is 50%, provided that a subminimum of 45% has been obtained in the examination. The minimum pass mark for the research project is 50%.
  2. A candidate who has failed more than two core modules may not continue his studies for the MBA degree, except with the approval of the Dean of the Institute. Such a student may appeal the decision with the GIBS Academic Committee. If the Academic Committee rules in favour of re-admission of the student for the next academic year due to extenuating circumstances, the student may be granted credits for modules.
  3. Should a candidate fail an elective module, he/she may repeat the elective module or an equivalent as determined by the Dean of the Institute.
  4. Full attendance, and completion and assessment of all requirements, are necessary for the Global module and Business strategy courses.

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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