Postdoctoral projects available


Metagenomics of Arctic Tundra Soils [2 years]

In collaboration with Dr. Ian Hogg (Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS), Cambridge Bay),
we aim to investigate the functional microbiomics of tundra soils over annual cycles. The postdoc
will be required to work in Dr. Hogg’s laboratory in CHARS for some months in mid-late 2021.


Namib Desert Microbial Ecology [2 years]

The postdoc will participate in our long-term Namib Desert microbiomics program, based on an
annual field expedition to the Gobabeb Research Station. Our next major planned experiment will
investigate very short-term functional-microbiome responses to water addition. This project will use
a combination of metagenomics, MAG assemblies, and metatranscriptomics.


Environmental Metagenomics [3 years]

As part of a collaborative network with Professor Yves van de Peer (UP and University of Ghent),
Associate Professor Thulani Makhalanyane (UP) and Dr Esh Mizrachi (UP), these postdocs will work
on a number of metagenomic projects focussing on marine systems, plant genetics, Antarctic soils,
African soils and rhizospheric microbiomes. A strong background in bioinformatics is particularly


Applications should include a cover letter, a full CV, and an indication of availability.

Applications and enquiries should be directed to Professor Don Cowan, Centre for Microbial Ecology and
Genomics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa ([email protected]).
For more information of CMEG, see



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