NEHAWU’s UP branch elects an academic to serve on the executive

Posted on November 24, 2022

The University of Pretoria branch of the National Education Health Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) took a conscious decision when it was decided to elect Dr Xolani Khohliso, an academic staff member from the Groenkloof Constituency, Faculty of Education, as its Branch Deputy Secretary.

History was made in this branch and the message is clear that the union is strategically changing its approach. Dr Khohliso commented: ‘I am humbled and delighted to be serving the union and I appreciate the membership at large for the trust and confidence demonstrated in us as a collective. It is always a pleasure to contribute meaningfully towards the struggle of workers. The time has come, and that time is now, to change the face of the union and external perceptions towards it. NEHAWU’s mandate and principles are clear and include protecting the job security of members, advancing their employment prospects and serving their individual and collective interests to foster unity, cooperation and comradeship among all workers within the scope of the union and other industries.’

Dr Khohliso is serving with fellow comrades who are experienced in stewardship. They are Cde Edward Matuba (Chairperson), Cde Rasentshadi Magwai (Deputy Chairperson), Cde Goitsemang Mathekga (Branch Secretary), Cde Mavis Matlou and nine additional members of the Branch Executive Committee. This is therefore a well-oiled machine that is ready to promote a conducive working environment at the University of Pretoria.

This collective leadership understands its mandate, which includes advocating for employees, dealing with collective agreements, attempting to resolve labour disputes, influencing labour policies and laws, and ensuring favourable conditions of employment. Furthermore, the collective is committed to faithfully discharging its duties and providing leadership to the entire membership. Amandla!!

- Author Dr Xolani Kholiso

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