Programme information
The DMed degree is conferred by virtue of a thesis and, if the Dean deems it necessary, an examination on the field of study of the thesis.
Also consult General Academic Regulations G42-G55.
Admission requirements
- MMed degree
PhD degree
relevant degree following an MBChB degree (at NQF-level 9)
Research information
A complete research protocol regarding the proposed thesis (as well as the curriculum vitae of the candidate) must be submitted for approval to the Postgraduate Committee and if necessary, also to the Ethics Committee. The thesis must deal with a problem from any field of study in Medicine and must satisfy the supervisor and the examiners that it represents advanced original research and/or creative work in the field of Medicine. It must give an overview of the literature that was used on the topic and contain a description of the observations made and experiments done by the student, as well as a discussion of the conclusions reached.
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