Module content |
(District) Health systems (and hospital) re-engineering including public sector centralisation and decentralisation. The re-engineering of the health system is one of the key pillars of the SAELPH programme with focus on improvement of services in the DHS. The new thrust of the national DOH with PHC as a key focus requires a new type of health leader who can understand the central role of PHC in a future equitable and efficient healthcare system. This module will assist to reshape the thinking of public health leaders towards building sound foundation strategies for the delivery of essential healthcare services primarily at the DHS level and its impact on the overall healthcare system. Development of a decentralisation case – a South African example focused on a district as the ‘man in the middle’ of the decentralisation process including the need for information, problems of supervision. Understand the international experience in re-engineering public sector providers, with special emphasis on PHC and how they will function in a future NHI. |
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