Programme: BScHons (Biostatistics) Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
10244017 Faculty of Health Sciences Department: School of Health Systems and Public Health
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 120 NQF level:  08

Programme information

The following requirements are set:

  • Students must pass the module TNM 700 Applied research methodology 700.
  • Students must pass the module PHM 779 Learning in public health 779.
  • Students must pass a research report (or project) that carries 30 credits. This research report will be a protocol for a quantitative research project.

Admission requirements

  1. Bachelor's degree

Additional requirements

Registration as a special student in the Faculty in order to pass a status examination
Candidates will be required to first register as a special student in the Faculty, in order to pass in a status examination, in the following instances:
•    A three-year bachelor's degree with less than five years' applicable practical (work) experience; or
•    A four-year bachelor’s degree with less than two years’ applicable practical (work) experience; or
•    Any applicant in possession of an approved bachelor’s degree, who the School’s Selection Committee deems fit to register as a special student.
In accordance with the criteria of the Senate of the University, the applications for admission of all such candidates must, apart from any Faculty requirements, also be submitted to the University Senate for approval. All candidates accepted for postgraduate study (MPH or the Postgraduate Diplomas) must be in possession of a National Senior Certificate with admission for degree purposes.

Pass requirements for the status examination
•    At least 60% must be obtained in the status examination.
•    The status examination will be written in June.

Other selection criteria
Academic merit (an average mark of at least 60% for the final-year subjects of the bachelor’s degree will be  required)
•    National/International need for epidemiologists and biostatisticians
•    Under-represented groups in epidemiology and biostatistics
•    Epidemiology and/ biostatistics-related employment
•    Track record – e.g. employment, academic, etc.

Examinations and pass requirements

Students must attend all lectures and practical classes (as may be required), and should successfully complete all online tasks, as required, to the satisfaction of the head of department or the Chairperson of the School before they will be admitted to the examinations. Written, oral and/or practical examinations must be passed in all the modules. Both exit examinations will be externally moderated. The minimum pass mark for the modules and the exit examinations is 50%. Only with the approval of the Chairperson of the School, on the recommendation of the head of department, will a student be allowed to continue his or her studies after having failed two modules (or the same module twice). A second examination in a module (including the BScHons-specific exit examinations) is arranged in conjunction with the head of department for any student obtaining less than 50% and more than 39% for any module or exit examination.

Pass with distinction

The BScHons (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) degree is awarded with distinction to a student who has obtained a mark of at least 75% for the externally moderated assessment components as well as a simple (unweighted) average of at least 75% of all the marks for the other required modules for the degree; excluding PHM 779 Learning in public health 779.

General information

Concurrent registration for two study programmes

  1. In accordance with the stipulations of the General Academic Regulations, concurrent registration for two postgraduate programmes is not allowed, except in the case of exceptional academic achievement, and the permission of the Dean is required for concurrent registration, subject to the regulations applicable to the fields of study in question and to any other stipulations the Dean may prescribe. Such a concession may be withdrawn by the Dean if the student does not perform satisfactorily – all assignments and coursework must be completed on time. Concurrent registration will not be accepted as a reason for poor performance or not meeting deadlines for both study programmes.
  2. In the case of registering concurrently for two study programmes in the School of Health Systems and Public Health and elsewhere, students must obtain the written consent of both the coordinator of their current programme and the coordinator of the second programme (or the track co-ordinator in the case of the MPH), and submit it with a substantiating letter to the School’s Academic Programme Committee, for recommendation by the Chairperson of the School, after which the application is submitted to the Dean for approval.
  3. The School of Health Systems and Public Health states that concurrent registration for two study programmes is a privilege and not a right.
  4. Concurrent registration must be applied for annually and is granted based on academic performance in the primary degree/diploma programme. If the current field of study is a master’s degree, then the second field of study can be a postgraduate diploma.
  5. If the current field of study is a postgraduate diploma, then the second field of study can be another postgraduate diploma.

University of Pretoria Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) verification project

The higher education sector has undergone an extensive alignment to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQF) across all institutions in South Africa. In order to comply with the HEQSF, all institutions are legally required to participate in a national initiative led by regulatory bodies such as the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Council on Higher Education (CHE), and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The University of Pretoria is presently engaged in an ongoing effort to align its qualifications and programmes with the HEQSF criteria. Current and prospective students should take note that changes to UP qualification and programme names, may occur as a result of the HEQSF initiative. Students are advised to contact their faculties if they have any questions.

Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Types of data; Probability sampling distributions;Summary measures for data; Confidence intervals for point estimates; Normal approximations for Binomial and Poisson distributions; Graphics; Single sample and two sample hypothesis tests, both parametric and non parametric. T-tests; Welch tests; Paired t-tests; F-tests; Chi square tests; Tests of association and tests of agreement; sign tests; median tests; MWW tests; Signed ranks tests (paired data). How to perform/ obtain all the above using Stata statistical software. Estimating sample size using PS and G*Power software.

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  • Module content:

    One-way ANOVA; Simple linear regression, classical and correlational; modelling strategies for multilinear regression; post regression diagnostic tests (residuals analysis) following linear regression. Kruskal-Wallis test. Mantel-Haenszel test; Revision of confounding and effect modification and M-H test; the logistic regression model; Interpretation of logistic regression Stata output; logistic regression modelling strategies; Post-regression testing and residuals analysis. How to perform/obtain all the above using Stata statistical software. Estimating sample size using PS and G*Power statistical software.

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  • Module content:

    The design of questionnaires and mode of delivery of questionnaires; Sampling with attention to complex sampling (stratification and or clustering); Examples and case studies based on South African examples of surveys with complex sampling. The design effect and sample size determination for complex samples. The analysis of data taking into account the sampling structure where this is not simple random sampling.

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  • Module content:

    To learn to “think epidemiologically”. The principles of epidemiology including applied epidemiology. The use of EpiData software for questionnaire design, data data capturing and data cleaning. Rates ratios and proportions; Basic study designs used in epidemiology (include cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, ecological, randomised controlled trials. Also sub-groups such as Matched case control, Historical cohort, Nested Case Control). Concepts such as validity, repeatability, confounding, effect modification; Sources and types of bias; sampling methods, probabilistic and non-probabilistic; stratified and cluster sampling; designing questionnaires and questionnaire items; calculating odds ratios, relative proportions relative risks and incidence rate ratios and the correct interpretation of these. infectious disease epidemiology (host/agent/environment model, R0, attack rates, outbreak investigations). Clinical epidemiology (sensitivity specificity predictive values). Operational research principles.

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  • Module content:

    Intermediate epidemiological concepts and topics building upon learning that has taken place in the introductory epidemiology module; further study design (including different types of trials); Consort guidelines; Stratification and standardisation of rates; Good clinical practice principles; DAGs; Structural equation modelling; systematic reviews including meta-analysis techniques and methods; Principle components analysis; Propensity score matching; case-cross-over designs; polytomous regression; exact logistic regression; predictive models; repeated measurements (GEE and also fixed/random effects models).

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  • Module content:

    This assignment will task the students to integrate both epidemiology and biostatistics in their responses. It will take the nature of an interactive case-based seminar that demonstrates the interrelatedness of epidemiological methods and biostatistical methods. It builds on learning in the modules: Epidemiology 1 and Biostatistics 1.

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  • Module content:

    Like the Part 1 integrative assignment, his assignment will task the
    students to integrate further epidemiology and biostatistics in their responses. It will take the nature of a case-based seminar that demonstrates the interrelatedness of epidemiological methods and biostatistical methods. It will build on learning that has taken place in the modules: Biostatistics 2 and Epidemiology 2

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  • Module content:

    A protocol for a quantitative epidemiological study, or a mixed methods study, that is suitable for presentation to the ethics committee at the start of the MSc programme should the student proceed to the MSc Epidemiology and biostatistics. A protocol for secondary analysis of data or a systematic review that incorporates an appropriate meta-analysis would also be acceptable.

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  • Module content:

    Examination of Part I learning.

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  • Module content:

    Examination of Part II learning.

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  • Module content:

    The history and scope of public health. The importance of self-motivated deep learning as opposed to passive learning. Learning the value of group work. The use of the internet and the library to research areas of study. The writing of literature reviews and assignments. The avoidance of plagiarism. Students will also learn how to use the UP online learning platforms.
    In addition, students will be introduced to two online Statistical packages, namely Stata and EpiData. This online learning will assist them on where to obtain the software, install it, and navigate the panels and views (Stata) or between the different sub-programmes (EpiData). They will also learn the basic syntax, and, for Stata, how to log one’s work, create and use “do” files and also to create basic graphic outputs. For EpiData they will learn how to create QES CHK and REC files and also how to export their work in Stata format, ready for analysis.

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  • Module content:

    *Attendance module only.

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Regulations and rules
The regulations and rules for the degrees published here are subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information.

The General Academic Regulations (G Regulations) and General Student Rules apply to all faculties and registered students of the University, as well as all prospective students who have accepted an offer of a place at the University of Pretoria. On registering for a programme, the student bears the responsibility of ensuring that they familiarise themselves with the General Academic Regulations applicable to their registration, as well as the relevant faculty-specific and programme-specific regulations and information as stipulated in the relevant yearbook. Ignorance concerning these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression, or basis for an exception to any of the aforementioned regulations.

University of Pretoria Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) verification project
The higher education sector has undergone an extensive alignment to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQF) across all institutions in South Africa. In order to comply with the HEQSF, all institutions are legally required to participate in a national initiative led by regulatory bodies such as the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Council on Higher Education (CHE), and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The University of Pretoria is presently engaged in an ongoing effort to align its qualifications and programmes with the HEQSF criteria. Current and prospective students should take note that changes to UP qualification and programme names, may occur as a result of the HEQSF initiative. Students are advised to contact their faculties if they have any questions.

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