Programme: MPhil (Business Management) (Strategic Management) (Coursework)

Kindly take note of the disclaimer regarding qualifications and degree names.
Code Faculty Department
07255287 Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Department: Business Management
Credits Duration NQF level
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 180 NQF level:  09

Programme information

Due to capacity constraints, there is not an intake of new students for every degree each year. It remains the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the degree they wish to apply for, will indeed be offered. In addition to the fields of specialisation, options are offered under the various specialisation fields, eg MPhil Accounting Sciences with an option in Fraud Risk Management, which enables the candidate to make a selection and expand specific focus areas within the existing fields of specialisation.

Admission requirements

1.    Relevant honours degree
       relevant postgraduate diploma (PGDip)
2.    A cumulative weighted average of at least 60% for the honours degree or postgraduate diploma

Additional requirements

  • A candidate may be refused admission to a master’s degree by the relevant head of department if he/she does not comply with the standard of competence in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate, who does not comply with the required level of competence may be admitted, provided that he/she completes additional study assignments and/or examinations.
  • The relevant head of department may set additional admission requirements.
  • Specific departments have specific requirements for admission.
  • The number of students will be determined in line with the growth strategy of the University of Pretoria as approved by the Executive.
  • Allowance will be made for the diversity profile of students.

Research information

A candidate, before or on submission of the mini-dissertation, must submit at least one draft article for publication in a recognised academic journal.

Dissertations/mini-dissertations, curricula and modules

Refer to General Academic Regulations G37, G38 and G39.

The degree programme requires that a dissertation be submitted in a field of study selected from the fields covered in the honours degree.
Information on modules, credits and syllabi is available, on request, from the relevant head of department/Postgraduate Committee.
A module in Research Methodology is compulsory in all programmes. The Dean may, on the recommendation of the relevant head of department/Postgraduate Committee, waive the prerequisites.

Article for publication
Refer to General Academic Regulation G39.13.

Pass with distinction

In order to be awarded a postgraduate degree/diploma with distinction, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Obtain a Grade Point Average of at least 75% including at least 75% in the mini-dissertation in the case of a coursework Master's degree; and
  • Complete the degree/diploma within the minimum period prescribed.
  • Only the final mark of the first attempt to pass the modules or dissertation will be considered; and
  • The GPA will be not be rounded up to a whole number.

Core modules

  • Module content:

    Strong emphasis on market research, quantification of the market but also a basis for academic publications and a doctorate.

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  • Module content:

    Key principles and concepts of strategy and strategic management; competitive strategy; emergent and deliberate strategy; formulation of strategy; analysis of the external and internal environment; stakeholder analysis; competitive advantage; shareholder value; strategy and performance; hyper-competition; corporate and business level strategy. An advanced strategic management simulation that is online and interactive to apply strategy principles, and to foster team collaboration.

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  • Module content:

    The focus is on advanced concepts of strategic management. Concepts that drive the frontiers of strategic management in practice, academia and research are explored. Such as: Advanced concepts in strategy; Strategic Liabilities; Blue ocean strategy; Turnaround / Renewal; Mergers; Acquisitions; Emergent vs deliberate strategy; Entrepreneurial strategy. “Strategy as practice” is important as focus area and approach. A deeper level of understanding is sought combined with integration of all venture functions and selected subjects.

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  • Module content:

    The strategy as practice approach drives this course. The selected approach is that of the consultant to the venture. Students are required to identify a company where the project is executed. Focus is on analysis through research, formulation through interactive facilitation and implementation through processes. Finally a review of the benefits to the venture is done post execution.

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  • Module content:

    This module equips the student to conduct independent research by executing a research project on a relevant topic, of which the findings are reported in an academic article.

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The regulations and rules for the degrees published here are subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information.

The General Academic Regulations (G Regulations) and General Student Rules apply to all faculties and registered students of the University, as well as all prospective students who have accepted an offer of a place at the University of Pretoria. On registering for a programme, the student bears the responsibility of ensuring that they familiarise themselves with the General Academic Regulations applicable to their registration, as well as the relevant faculty-specific and programme-specific regulations and information as stipulated in the relevant yearbook. Ignorance concerning these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression, or basis for an exception to any of the aforementioned regulations.

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