Environmental change 881

Modulekode OMS 881
Kwalifikasie Postgraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

This module involves the study of the causes and consequences of environmental change from multidisciplinary perspectives.  A focus of this course is human environmental interactions. Past processes leading to environmental change will also be discussed.  In a given period, the following will be investigated: principles of environmental change, causes and consequences of environmental change, Global warming and climate change: causes and impacts of climate change on natural resources; water, forests, biodiversity, land use and land cover change, environmental/Climate change and infectious disease, human dimensions of global change and Climate change political responses including the Kyoto protocol. Mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change and effects of Climate change on sustainable development.

Modulekrediete 15.00
NQF Level 09
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Module is presented in English
Department Geography Geoinformatics and Meteorology
Period of presentation Year

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